Question & Reply for December Area Meeting.
COMHAIRLE CONTAE FHINE GALL FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL BALBRIGGAN/SWORDS AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (Services B – Strategic & General Matters) THURSDAY 13TH DECEMBER, 2018 ITEM NO. 47 PARK ROAD UPGRADE WORKS TIMELINE AI046015 Question: Councillor B. Dennehy “To ask the Chief Executive to provide the anticipated timeline as to when site works will commence as well as an estimate on the length of time required for construction of the Park Road upgrade which is a welcome and badly needed infrastructural project in Rush while taking into account the recent positive progress of the project in the CPO process via An Bord Pleanala.” Reply: Tender documents have been prepared by the engineering consultant for this scheme and are currently being reviewed by Fingal County Council. The Compulsory Purchase Order is expected to be confirmed by Fingal County Council by Q1 2019 and the tender will be issued during this time also, with construction commencing in Q2 2019 with an expected contract duration of six months.